Angola-China Relations

Country profile

GDP: US$105.751 billion

GDP growth:  1% (2019) 2.9% (2020)

Population: 30,809,762 million people

Prime minister: N/A office was abolished in 2010 with the adoption of a new constitution.

President: João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço

Minister of Foreign affairs: Manuel Domingos Augusto

Ambassador to China: Salvador Neto Dos Santos


Development strategy


Bilateral trade relations

Import from China: 22,382,523,829 (2008) and 25,652,016,497 billion dollars (2018)

Export to China:  2,942,469,756 (2008) and 2,234,927,773 billion dollars (2018)


Key cooperation areas: oil-for-infrastructure and loan-for-oil deals

  • Angola is the 2nd main destination of Chinese investment in Africa
  • China is the main destination of Angolan oil (61.56% of exports in the second quarter of 2019)
  • 60 billion dollars of Chinese loan to Angola since 1983; 21.5 billion dollars as of end of 2017
  • 50 Chinese companies and 400 private businesses operating in Angola as of 2015 according to Reuters
  • The China-Angola commerce chamber registered 200 Angolan companies and more than 100 Chinese companies

Other cooperation areas: food, agro-industry, fisheries, construction, housing and infrastructure, transport and logistics, banking, insurance and capital markets, tourism, housing and culture, health and education, water, energy and mineral resources, innovation, information and communication technology, trade, industry and services. These are the existing offices in the China-Angola commerce chamber.