CACS Policy Brief No 5

Sino-Kenyan Co-operation: Whither the West?

Dr Westen K Shilaho, Postdoctoral Fellow, SARChI Chair of African Diplomacy and Foreign Policy, University of Johannesburg

March 2018

This Policy Brief analyses co-operation between China and Kenya against the backdrop of Kenya’s international relations from independence to the present. It places this co-operation in the ambit of Kenya’s security and infrastructure development, in line with Kenya’s Vision 2030, the African Union’s Agenda 2063, and Kenya’s democratisation. It finds that, despite Kenya’s perceived shift to the East, the West still exerts significant influence over its domestic and international affairs. However, in forging its international relations policies, Kenya should be guided by the interests of its citizens instead of being preoccupied with whether it aligns itself with the West or with China.

To download this Policy Brief, click here.

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